Send Certified Mail Industries We Serve Notice to OwnersThe construction industry is made up of many different trades. Subcontractors specialize in unique sets of skills and together the professionals make up the commercial and residential construction industry. Electrical, plumbing, roofing, landscaping, flooring, and framing are just a few subcontractors that are necessary to complete nearly any construction project.

Since there are so many moving pieces to the construction puzzle, pieces that often build on one another, Notice to Owners are sent to property owners and fellow contractors to notify them of lien rights. The right to file a lien protects the subcontractors to ensure payment for their time and work on the project.

Notice to Owners are required in 13 of the 50 states as a notice of the right to file a lien. Notice to Owners are sent to the property owner, the lender, and other contractors in Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington.

Preparing a Notice to Owner with the necessary information and properly sending the notice can be a cumbersome task. Complicating factors include the type of project, location of the project, the role the sender plays in the project, and that of the recipient.

Regardless of the complexities, having proof that the notice was sent and received is crucial. In fact, without proof, the whole process of preparation and mailing would all be for nothing if a lien actually ends up being filed.

Send Certified Mail can assist in the preparation and same-business-day Certifeid Mail®. Saving contractors time and money. Avoid hefty printing costs and skip the trip to the Post Office with our full-service, online printing and mailing solution!

Receive 'proof of mailing' and acceptance authored by the U.S. Postal Service. Track the delivery of each Certified letter and get proof of delivery with Electronic Delivery Confirmation, including optional email notification at no additional charge!

Order USPS Electronic Return Receipt signatures service to receive the signature for each delivery. Our service includes same-business-day mailing services to meet all your compliance requirements.

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